Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Not sure what this movie is? Well it's a fairly new movie, talked up to be very scary, and...it actually lived up to expectations. Insidious has got to be one of the most original movies, of this genre, that I've seen in a while, also a pretty scary one to boot.

Briefly, the plot is of a family who moves into a new house, one of their son succumbs to a "coma" and then weird ghosts appear. Now I know I said this movie was original and that plot line doesn't some so...original. But, in order to preserve suspense for those of you who go out to see it I won't reveal the end twists which bring on the uniqueness. I will say that there is more that meets the eye and should give this a chance if you find yourself watching it and thinking it's another stale horror flick.

Scariness factor, I did find myself a little jumpy a few times throughout the movie, which is very good considering I don't usually scare that easily. Also the whole mood of the movie was pretty creepy, through the score, the one song played over and over, little things that you may catch out of the corner of your eye, etc.

Insidious was advertised as one of the scariest movies of this year and... I think it's right. 

7.5 out of 10


B Jeezy said...

i want to see this

Megan said...

I saw some parts of it a day or two ago. Personally, not my type of movie. I'm unfortunately cynical when it comes to movies/stories about hauntings, ghosts, demons, etc and I end up analyzing every bit of it. Nothing against people who enjoy this kind of movie, though.

Erika said...

I've seen this advertised everywhere. So naturally, I want to watch it. And I most probably will at some point... if I remember ^_^

gman said...

Are you serious? a scary movie that is actually scary? That's something I haven't seen in a while...

lacrosseman said...

I really want to see it. Honestly, the movie looks like it will be good

AverageJoe said...

Based on the poster, that kid was cast perfectly. He just looks creepy there.

DerpFiles said...

sounds like typical CREEEPY KID bullshit.

Rumiko said...

The kid looks kind of like a brother of Justin Bieber that never got famous cause of his brother stealing the spotlight. Well, not anymore it seems...

Pappa Püllï said...

Awesome read, thanks for sharing this! =D

Mike said...

Seems like another generic horror film to me.

pixel said...

freaky kids are kinda scary

Stare Dad said...

looks pretty scary. nice, loved the review

G said...

looks good....will be watching

Deodytus said...

Funfact: The composer plays the head monstery thing. This movie was killer.

Jlat said...

I agree, this movie was very good and lived up to the hype of being scary

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