Monday, April 25, 2011


Watched this movie for one reason really. Josh Radnor. If you don't recognize the name...well he's not that big but he's the star of the hit show How I Met Your Mother, one of my personal favorites. So even though based on the trailer this movie looked like a typical chick flick I gave it a shot for him.

The movie kind of went better than expected. I expected, again, a typical chick flick but instead I got...well not sure exactly. Essentially the plot of the movie is three different story lines. My favorite was the one with Radnor as he finds a kid lost on the subway and takes him in. Very touching, the funniest of the three and most relatable. The others focused on a cancer patient who finds unlikely love, and a couple facing a tough job decision with the onset of a baby.

I will admit this movie started out super slow with the only redeeming quality being Radnor and the cute kid he found...but luckily the other story lines soon picked up and became fascinating as well and brought more actual realism to this movie which lots of movies unfortunately lack. One of the best things personally to me about this movie was the setting. Downtown New York. I have always wanted to live in a downtown area whether it be New York or Chicago, love the scene and this movie brought that lust back and in high fever.

So anyway, if you like indie chick flicks to watch with your girl, I say give this a shot. If you like Josh Radnor...give it a shot. 

6.5 out of 10


KrisuSS said...

this wasn't as bad as i thought

Moby said...

This looks like a great movie :)

I will check it out!

ZTemoo said...

I love How I Met Your Mother! I think I'll give this one a look then.

mac-and-me said...

interesting, thanks for the heads up

Deadlock said...

I would love to live in downtown NYC too... only place in the USA i would live. Maybe san fran too...

Craftsie said...

I'd watch it just for the cover! So cute.

Scrogglez said...

good stuff man, keep it up

Jim said...

Thanks for the recommendation, i'll save this when I ever get to watch a movie with a girl.

Danny Murphy said...

Will check this out

Jay said...

i might check it out.

Blk Jesus said...

thanks for the review

pixel said...

sounds like something that my girlfriend would like

MaggotsGalore said...

Not in the mood for a chick flick, lets move on.

Stare Dad said...

semms to be nice i guess.. a bit confusing.

ds said...

Don't really think this is a movie for me. The poster looks cool though.

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